We talk aimlessly and reminisce on our lovely McDonalds adventure in Boolin, MD a few years ago. We also have a double-feature Jordan Update. Omg it’s also the Suero Special, in case you didn’t get the memo.
Speaker: Greyson
We talk aimlessly about how Looney Tunes has become Greyson’s newest muse. We have hard-hitting questions from Aunt Kathy. We have an even more hard-hitting question, though: WHAT is Tweety Bird’s gender?
We talk aimlessly about the ONGOING 2024 presidential election results (with live updates from our very speedy correspondent, Jordan). Jacy”” has started his career as a Favor delivery driver! And we dive deep into why we don’t eat vultures.
We talk aimlessly about our undying, unwavering, and undisputed fandom of Lick Honest Ice Creams in honor of their 13th birthday. Also, we are near certain that our resident bird expert Parzival does not know what an opinion is. Oh! And we went to the Texas Renaissance Festival.
We talk aimlessly about our designs to get a year’s supply of Lick Ice Cream and some merchandise. We also spent a WHOLE DAY in Ft. Worth, Texas. And early voting has started! Will the furry stripping for America impact *your* vote?
We talk aimlessly about the FOUL, disgusting abomination that is a banana marshmallow latte. Also- WHY are people using the phrase “liminal space”? Kindly, stop. And… We have evidence that Greyson is not alone in his auditory hallucinations.
We talk aimlessly about the fact that we MISSED a Jordan update. This was a massive lapse in judgement on our end, and we sincerely apologize. We also learn a little bit about raptors. No, the other kind of raptor. Mind you, this is all while Greyson slips deeper into his psychosis.
We talk aimlessly about the fastest animal in recorded history in our first-ever weekly BIRD FACT from Parzival. We are at odds with one another regarding our impaired vision, btw. And, as always, remember to get your foreskin touched up every once in a while.
We talk aimlessly about the many updates we have from our loyal, loyal listening audience. We dive into some untied loose ends from Boy Oh Boi’s past. Also Jacy””’s sister’s dad was in a Netflix documentary (he tried killing someone).
We talk aimlessly about our bathroom-locking habits, and how Greyson has a clear preference for the lack of any lock whatsoever. Rolling Stone Magazine is going down btw- just you wait. Greyson’s romantic and religious prospects are looking up, though!